The Truth About Insulation: Why R60 May Not Be Worth It

As a home insulation expert, I am often asked about the ideal level of thermal resistance for a house. Many homeowners are concerned about energy efficiency and want to know if they should invest in more insulation, specifically R60 insulation. The answer may surprise you. First, let's define what R60 insulation means. R-value is a measure of thermal resistance, or how well a material can resist heat flow.

The higher the R-value, the better the insulation. R60 is considered a high level of insulation, and it is often recommended for homes in colder climates. However, the truth is that beyond R25, adding more insulation has very diminishing returns. This means that the difference in energy savings between R25 and R60 is minimal. In fact, studies have shown that having an air seal in the house and proper air flow in the attic are much more important factors in maintaining energy efficiency. So why do some experts still recommend R60 insulation? One reason may be that it is a simple and easy solution to recommend.

Adding more insulation is a tangible and visible improvement that homeowners can see and feel good about. However, it may not be the most cost-effective solution. Another factor to consider is that the thermal efficiency of a home is not solely determined by its level of insulation. It also depends on factors such as air leakage, ventilation, and even the type of heating equipment used. This means that even with R60 insulation, a home may not be as energy efficient as expected if other factors are not addressed. So what does this mean for homeowners considering investing in R60 insulation? It's important to weigh the cost and potential energy savings.

While R60 insulation may result in a 50 to 67% reduction in heating equipment usage, the cost of adding more insulation may not be worth it in the long run. Instead, homeowners should focus on proper air sealing and ventilation to improve energy efficiency. This includes sealing any gaps or cracks in the home's exterior, ensuring proper insulation around windows and doors, and having a well-ventilated attic. In conclusion, while R60 insulation may seem like the ideal solution for energy efficiency, it may not be worth the investment. As an expert, I recommend focusing on proper air sealing and ventilation for optimal thermal efficiency. Remember, it's not just about the level of insulation, but also about addressing other factors that contribute to a home's energy efficiency.

Myron Valasco
Myron Valasco

Tv guru. Avid internet enthusiast. Professional social media enthusiast. Friendly bacon specialist. Wannabe zombie aficionado.

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